Monday, May 30, 2011

Urban Dictionary vs. Webster 5

I present an extra special edition of Urban Dictionary vs. Webster, where I try to decipher the nonsensical babble that spills out of a certain individual's mouth on a daily basis. I've also thrown in several other phrases that come to mine when I think of said individual.

Anywho - An extremely annoying misuse of the word "anyhow." Generally used by people who think they are being clever.
Did you mean: anyway, Norway, narwhal, enwheel, Narew, unaware, angry, nary
Anywho, I went for a walk yesterday.

I got jokes. - A phrase that someone uses to express disillusionment, dismay, disenchantment, disapproval, or disappointment regarding another person's joke. The individual using the phrase is attempting to be detrimental at the expense of the other person.
Did you mean: No where near anything in Webster's Dictionary.
(After being severely embarrassed)...Yea! Well I got jokes too!

Blast - To put somebody's business out or shame them badly in front of a group of three or more people.
Did you mean: blast
I heard Lamar's ex put him on blast at the mall!"

Retarded Monkey Fuck - Someone who constantly repeats the same lame joke they've already told you 3,000 times before, expecting that the 3,001th time you're bound to laugh.
Did you mean: monkeypod, monkfish
RETARDED MONKEY FUCK: Hey, what's brown and sticky?
OTHER GUY: I don't know, jackass. Why don't you tell me?
OTHER GUY: I'm so glad I have zoloft...

Ass Knocker - a complete jackass
Did you mean: snooker
My brother is such an ass knocker.

Tag Dicking - The term used when a person denies to part-take in an activity unless another person does the same activity as well.
Did you mean: Du Cange, daikn, dating, tackling, goding, diaconal, decking, ducking
Stop tag dicking and just come to the movie without him!

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