Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Radial Nerve

Instead of doing the responsible thing and get some sleep, I've decided it is best to stay up a little later to blog (something that I haven't been doing much of as of late). The major reason I haven't been writing as often is it's been quite painful to type. After about two weeks of agonizing pain in my right hand, I finally made a doctor's appointment late last week to have it checked out.

In today's world, if you go to the doctor for any type of pain, they automatically assume that you are actually in no pain and just want pain meds. I found this out first hand on Thursday, when first the nurse gave me an attitude for making an appointment about my hand and then my doctor was hesitant to even look at my hand. Once I told him that I didn't want any meds for my hand, I just wanted to know what the hell was wrong with it and how it could be fixed, he immediately became a doctor again. 

The pain is not being caused by carpel tunnel, which everyone suspected it was. Instead I possibly pinched the radial nerve in my hand, causing the pain and swelling. As of right now, I have a lovely wrist/hand brace for another five days and a dose of Aleve every 12 hours. If my hand is not better by Saturday, then the next step is to get an X-ray to rule out fractured/broken bones and a series of nerve tests in my arm to determine if it is even a nerve problem.

In the meantime, I have to wear an brace on my arm that practically goes up to my elbow. It's supposed to support my wrist and thumb so that I can still go about my business. My new accessory has made life quite difficult, using a fork and knife is next to impossible, writing is almost out of the question, and typing is usually done with one hand. Additionally, a majority of my long sleeve shirts don't fit over the brace, including my spring jacket, which means that I have been running around in short sleeves for the last few days.

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