Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Zonks and the MIA Bracelet

During the move last month, I lost my favorite leather bracelet and ever since then, my wrist has not quite been the same. Periodically, it has a sense of emptiness, as if I'm actually missing a part of my arm. It's actually been quite freaky to look down and not see the thin straps of the leather that have been braided together with perfection.

After watching another sick episode of Hoarders about a woman named Vula, who had 23 cats living in her house. The cats pooped everywhere (including the stove) and I think she pooped in the tub, but I'm not completely sure if it was a tub full of poop or dirt. In addition to the 23 cats living in her house, the cleaning crew removed 13 dead cats from the house. 

Thirteen dead cats! That's fucking gross!

After the episode was over, I realized that Zonks was missing in action. Gerald has been extra snuggly since we took him to the vet last week and Zonks has been getting a little jealous, resulting in her hiding under the bed for most of the day. After being traumatized by the dead cats, I went searching for my cat, who was curled up under the bed sleeping on top of an under the bed rubbermaid container. 

I know what you're thinking, how does my cat find it comfortable to sleep on top of a rubbermaid container underneath the bed? It's quite simple. Prior to moving to Mullica Hill, Zonks and Gerald created there own personal hiding space, by tearing the sheet of black cloth from the box spring. Originally, they would climb into the space between the wood of the box spring and the cloth, which was extremely entertaining when the three cats tried to hide from each other. Zonks would hide in her box spring fortress, Gerald would hide under the bed right underneath Zonks, while Sasha hid in a piece of furniture next to the bed. All three cats were safely hid from each other within a 3 foot radius of each other.

I still can't get over the thirteen dead cats. Its making me ramble now about box springs and rubbermaid containers.

Anyway, when I went looking for Zonks I noticed a small, strap of leather underneath the bed. I picked it up and realized that Zonks had found my bracelet. Zonks celebrated by first licking my finger, which was weird, then eating a handful of cat treats. 

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