Saturday, January 21, 2012


After Christmas, Rachel and I went shopping for a new television and headed to Deptford. While in Deptford, we needed to go to the T-Mobile store to have my phone reset, and while we were in the parking lot, Rachel noticed a Chipotle in the parking lot. Her eyes got huge and she started to get really excited, so we decided to go there for dinner. I had never heard of the place until she started raving about the one in Baltimore, so I figured I would give it a try.

Chipotle reminded me of Moe's Southwest Grill, only cleaner. I ordered a steak burrito with cheese, sour cream, pinto beans, white rice, and tomatoes. There is an entire assembly line of people making the food, one person is in charge of the protein, another the rice and veggies, and finally there is someone to take care of the condiments. There must have been 10 people behind the counter, they looked like a pack of sardines. I pay for our meals and then we have to find a seat.

I had failed to take note when we walked in, that every table had someone eating at it. We wound up sharing a table with another family. After eating a 1/3 of my burrito, I finally found some meat in my food. I'm assuming that since it's an assembly line, nobody cares how the inside of the burrito looks, so my food was thrown into clumps rather than being spread out. I get to the halfway point, and chomp down into something as hard as a rock.

I immediately spit out the hard substance to take a closer look at it. My mouth is now overcome with the taste of dirt. This was no bone that I bit into, not even a piece of grizzle. There was a small rock in my meal.

That's right, a rock!

I look at Rachel in disbelief that I was given a rock to munch on. She starts looking through her fiesta bowl, making sure there were not inedible objects in her food. I bring my meal to the front counter and start to complain about the rock to the first employee in the assembly line. He looks at me in disbelief and starts staring at the ceiling to see if something had fallen down. He then hands me off to the next person in the assembly line. After talking to five people, the manager finally comes out.

Honestly, the guy was an ass. He tries to blame the rock in my sandwich on the building being new and a piece of concrete must have fallen from the ceiling into my sandwich. I had to laugh and asked him, where he saw a portion of ceiling that was crumbling and falling into people's food. At that point, he took a new attitude and started offering me a new item off the menu. I was not planning on eating anything else off the menu and expressed this to him. Finally, he gave me a refund for my food (and even included Rachel's cup of guacamole).

I plan to never eat there again.

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