Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reasons to Read Harry Potter

  1. A coming of age story of a boy with a wand
  2. Alan Rickman plays Snape (I may be gay, but that man has one sexy voice).
  3. Muggles and squibs
  4. Quidditch
  5. Hagrid, the lovable half-giant with a giant heart for all things living
  6. You will have the urge to unleash a boggart in someone's office, some pixies in the cafeteria, and have a pet owl or phoenix
  7. Riding a hippogriff to work would be an amazing form of transportation
  8. Goblins should run all banks (as long as they have dragons and booby-traps to protect the money in the vaults)
  9. No sparkling vampires
  10. It may be considered a "children's book", however there are many adult elements such as politics, deception, genocide, discrimination
  11. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi - wouldn't you love to know what it means?
  12. Don't you want to know why Voldemort has no nose?
  13. Death Eaters
  14. The Dark Mark
  15. Norberta the Norwegian Ridgeback dragon
  16. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs
  17. What would your patronus be?
  18. A doe, a deer, a female deer
  19. Whomping Willow
  20. Garden gnomes are real
  21. House cup and prefects
  22. Laughter and tears
  23. Wizard chess
  24. Draco Dormiens Numquam Titilandus
  25. House elves
  26. Cats are more than meets the eye
  27. Animagus
  28. Rename your recycle bin on your computer "Azkaban" and then throw something away, only after reading Harry Potter will you realize why this is so funny
  29. Who is Tom Marvolo Riddle/
  30. Parseltongue
  31. Who was the Potter's secret keeper? For that matter...what is a secret keeper?
  32. Ordinary Wizarding Levels
  33. Chocolate is medicinal
  34. Dragon blood is an effective oven cleaner
  35. Platform 9 3/4
  36. Polyjuice Potion
  37. Avada Kedavra
  38. Moaning Myrtle
  39. Chamber of Secrets
  40. Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore
  41. I am determined to name one of my children Snape (Rachel doesn't know this yet)
  42. Pictures and paintings move
  43. Who doesn't love a good mystery?
  44. All of the books are connected in some way (besides Harry Potter). There may be a meaningless item in a book that becomes pivotal later
  45. Bones can regrow
  46. All you can eat buffet that magically appears on your gold plate
  47. Bellatrix Lestrange
  48. Room of Requirement
  49. It's been put on the list of banned books and who doesn't want to defy that list?
  50. Using magic for household chores
  51. Luggage is magically transported
  52. Mail is delivered by owls
  53. Howlers
  54. Apparating
  55. Ministry of Magic
  56. Broomsticks are a valid form of transportation
  57. The success of alchemy
  58. Ties in actual people with complete fiction (Nicholas Flammel)
  59. Dragons are real, and there are many different types of dragons
  60. A lovable dog named Fang
  61. The Malfoys
  62. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin
  63. Godric's Hollow
  64. The Deathly Hallows

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