Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seven Websites of Human Misery

Texts from Last Night
As convenient as text messaging is, sometimes the "send" button can be your worst enemy. Whether you've just sent that explicit message about the whipped cream and leather harness to your dad, or accidentally thanked your girlfriend for the amazing night of sex you didn't have with her last night, texts can be disastrous, humiliating, and very funny. Add a little alcohol and lack of sleep to to the equation, and you have a recipe for some of the greatest cringe humor on the web. Texts from Last Night collects millions of embarrassing, rude, and downright idiotic texts from all over the world. Anyone can submit their failure totally anonymously (all you have to include is the area code) and share their deepest regrets and screw ups with the entire world. They can post texts about how awesome they are or what a great night they've just had, but they aren't half as interesting as the ones where they sleep with their cousins.

F My Life
Sometimes, life is pretty good. Other times, it's like a smirking chimp throwing rotten fruit at you wile it has sex with your wife. For those less than perfect days, F My Life is there to make you feel better. An open site for people to post the mundane or horrible things that happen to them, you're guaranteed to find someone who has it worse off than you. From inconsiderate partners, spectacular bad luck, to just the plain old drudgery of daily life, F My Life is a perfect place to remind yourself just how good you have it. Unless of course you search the site and can't find anyone whose life is worse than yours. In that case, the least you can do is post yourself and let some other poor bastard feel a little better about their miserable existence. If by some small chance things are always going really great in your life, you can always stop by the site to laugh at the poor bastards who don't have it so good.

Passive Aggressive Notes
But videos of frat guys falling off roofs aren't the only dumb but funny things you can find on the World Wide Interwebs. Sometimes all it takes is one person to be so upset by the actions of another that they do they only thing possible, write a stern note. At Passive Aggressive Notes, they have a huge collection of notes written by people who were angry enough to want to confront someone, but too wimpy to actually do it in person. These Post-It crusaders wage a never-ending battle against those who don't change the toiler paper, steal milk from the office fridge, or generally intrude upon the way they think the world should be. It's a hilarious collection of impotent rage and shaky grammar. But then you obviously know that because you're so smart, right?

My Life is Average
Sure it's easy to get on one of these sites if you are a major jackass, but what if you're just an everyday, run-of-mill loser? My Life is Average is the place for you. Forgoing the flashy facepalms and splashy sex texts, My Life is Average catalogs the mundaneness of life. They aren't terrible, but they aren't the great either. Entires usually involve minor annoyances or tiny victories, the kinds of things that happen to everyone every day. The reason it belongs on this list is that millions of people are posting and rating the most basic occurrences of life. Now if that isn't stupid, what is?

You Idiot
To some, the ubiquity of cameras has turned society into a collection of voyeurs obsessively recording and watching every pointless and irrelevant occurrence of daily life. While that may be true, it also has ensured that just about every moment of rib tickling jackassery will be recorded and available for public consumption at the click of a mouse. a great collection of such moments exists at You Idiot. The site takes a no-frills approach to funny tools. They find the videos or pictures, post them, and that's it. It's perfect if you're busy but need a quick look at somebody doing something incredibly stupid to help get you motivated for the day.

For those of you who don't know it, Etsy is a website for people who want to sell their handmade crafts. For a small fee, they can put up ads that show the world the things they've made. Some of the stuff is great and was obviously made with care by people who really love making crafts (such as the woman who crafted our engagement rings). Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff is complete garbage. To save you the trouble of searching through it all, Regretsy combs through the crafts and finds the best of the worst. Whether it's horrible clothing, ugly art, or just plain old junk, Regretsy finds it and brings it to you in all its cheap, kitschy glory. Not only is it an amazing collection of crap, but it's also a great document of just how disillusioned people can be about their own talent.

Everybody screws up sometimes. If we're lucky, no one is around to see our mistakes and we can carry the failure buried deep within ourselves next to the guilt and shame. If we're unlucky, some jerk is going to film the while thing and put it on Failblog, a collection of people making stupid yet laugh out-loud funny mistakes. There are tons of videos of dudes trying to jump off walls, do crazy bike tricks, or generally wow their friends with some amazing act of daredevilry that ends in gut-busting tragedy, but the real hilarity comes from the seemingly endless photo of mislabeled products and signs that apparently litter stores and restaurants across the nation. From terrible misspellings to grammar bombs, Failblog shows that you don't need a bike and ramp on your roof to screw up in a hilarious way.

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