Like I said, I was feeling a hint under the weather, but that all changed the moment I reached Clems Run, which is about 3-4 minutes away from my house. Out of nowhere, my stomach went into nausea mode and I reached for the backseat, hoping to find a bag. Luckily, there was an empty target bag in my car, which was supposed to be used for the trash in my car. Instead, I filled the bag up with icky nastiness. I somehow made it to work in one piece, ran into the PAC building to drop off my stuff and made a pit stop in the bathroom for Round 2 of icky nastiness.
I headed to the office to sign in, but quickly realized that there was no way I was making it through work today. It was obviously too late to call out at this point, since I was already at school and I'm pretty sure there is a deadline for when you can call out in the morning. Instead of signing in, I bypassed the secretaries (who were not at their desks) and headed right to the vice principal's office.
By this point, I could feel the sweat pouring down the back of my neck even though I was freezing cold. The whole office was spinning in circles. I sat down in her office, and told her that I "think I needed to go home." Mitchell looked so concerned, and after I told her that I had puked in my car she was very worried that I had made a mess out of my car. I told her that I was lucky enough to have a bag in my car, but before we could figure out a game plan I had to bolt to the nearest bathroom for more icky nastiness. Mitchell handed me a bag, just in case, as I was running for the bathroom for Round 3. I almost puked in her office, which I think she realized as she handed me the bag.
When I came back to the office, she had already talked to her secretary about getting me a substitute for the day. However, I still had to call out, which I promptly did. The receptionist at the sick line gave me a hard time that I was calling so late, but after explaining to her what had transpired during the morning, she quickly stopped and told me that she would have a substitute for me.
I have now been home since the icky nastiness debacle of this morning, with the inability to sleep due to the extreme headache and soreness throughout my body. I'm determined to go to school tomorrow though, because I hate being sick.
I have this pattern that every time I'm sick, I start to feel guilty that I'm home sick and then begin thinking about the 900 things I wanted to get done today. Of course, I can't get any of them done laying around on my couch watching a marathon of Law and Order: Criminal Intent. I don't even have the strength to do things around the house, such as wrapping Christmas gifts or getting up to get a bottle of water. Instead, I've been playing on my computer all day, trying to distract myself from the nauseating belly ache.
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