Thursday, January 27, 2011

Spotted Camel Cricket

I've been sitting on the couch watching mindless television while complaining to myself how hungry I am, though I am too lazy to get off the comfy couch to get some food. Just as I'm about to get up for food, I look over to find some weird creature having what appeared to be a seizure on the floor. Not only is this creature having a seizure, his hind leg is sitting next to him and his other leg is gone.

Gerald came over to investigate the small creature with me, though he investigates things in a very bizarre way. Instead of sniffing it, he smacked it across the room. Before Gerald did any more damage, I did what any normal 28 year old would do, I flicked it into a sandwich bag (along with his severed leg). I then zipped up the bag so that I could show Rachel. Now, don't go give me slack for putting this alien creature in a zip lock bag, he couldn't even walk due to the fact that my cat thought he was a toy and ripped off not one, but both of his legs.

After putting the creature into a bag, I immediately went to the computer to figure out what it was. It turned out to be a Spotted Camel Cricket. These little hopping nightmares are located in caves, animal burrows, cellars, under stones, or in the woods. I live on the second floor and this bad boy was in my living room...huh!?

Upon further reading, I learned that most species also live in cool, damp situations, such as wells (there is no well near our home), rotten logs (I'm sure there may be rotten logs in the wooded area behind our building, but they are covered in snow), stumps and hollow trees (also covered in snow) and under damp leaves, stones, boards, and logs (also covered in a blanket of snow). Where the hell did this little guy come from?

Spotted Camel Cricket
(with leg's still attached)

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